One of my favourite sake breweries “Daishichi-Brewery” was visiting
here in Singapore!
I didn’t used like hot sake before I get to know Daishichi’s warm sake.
Their warm sake completely changed my mind and opened the way to the new sake
I had a glad occasion to meet Ohta-san who is 10th
generation owner of the Brewery, Mr. Blankestjn and Suzuki-san.
The first thing it comes to your mind when you hear Daishichi sake would
be “Kimoto brewing ” which is traditional method of making the yeast starter .
However all breweries used to make sake with Kimoto in the old days, most of
today’s breweries have shifted to “Sokujyo Brewing ” which is much easier and
faster way to make yeast starter.
Daishichi considers Kimoto a part of its heritage and believes in this
method that makes sake wilder, stronger and more pronounced flavour that can be
Besides that, all of their sakes are aged at least for one year to
enhance the flavour. These are the reasons why their sake has firm body and
Umami which surprisingly gets better when sake is warmed.
Another special feature of Daishichi is “super-flat
rice polishing”. Rice is polished into small rounded spherical shape to remove
the unwanted flavors. Conventional spherical polishing wastes precious starch
by excessively abrading the ends of the grain’s long axis. However Daishichi
developed new method which removes unwanted material equally and leaves more of
the best of the grain. As the name itself suggests, the rice grains are super
flat after polishing!
Daishichi is not afraid to take technical
risks like breaking the rice grains in the polishing process and taking triple
the amount of time.そして大七酒造のもう一つの特徴は、太田さんが熱く語って下さった「超扁平精米」です。通常精米したお米は丸い形をしていますが、大七が開発したこの特殊な精米法で削ったお米は縦長のお米の形をしているのです。これには巧みな技術と多くの時間が必要とされますが、その分通常の精米に比べて均等に表面を削り取っているので効率的に雑味になる成分を取り除くことができるのだそうです。
To my surprise, they don’t use special machine for this polishing method.
The key of this method is the human technic. The head of polishing department Mr.Ogata
received an award of “Contemporary master craftsman” for polishing method for
the first time in the sake history!
I tried three sakes and first one was “Kimoto Jyunmai-Daiginjyo
MINOWAMON”. What strikes me the most about this one was that Ohta san’s word “The
more the grade of sake is high, the more main dishes should be suited.”
まず最初に試飲させて頂いたのは、「生酛純米大吟醸 箕輪門」。太田さんは「グレードが高いお酒ほどメインディッシュに合うような造りをしたい」とおっしゃっていたのがすごく印象に残っています。
In wine world, high-grade wines are paired and be
enjoyed with high-class foods. So as you begin to pair wine with food, you
start with casual and light wine with appetizer and shift to higher grade wines
as you enjoy the course dishes. However in Sake world, in general you better start
with higher grade sake like Ginjyo or Daiginjyo and shift to Jyunmai with the
main course. But…why? The reason is because most of premium sake is overpowered
by full flavour dishes.
However, Daishichi’s Daiginjyo sake changed this
fixed idea! It has not only elegant Daiginjyo aroma but also firm body with
Umami and deep flavour as Jyunmai-sake, so it can be enjoyed with main dishes
even with cream sauce.
After that, I moved on to their main product “Jyunmai
Kimoto”. It is enjoyable in wide range of temperatures especially when it’s
warmed. It has a lot of Umami flavors and they go well with full flavoured
foods even with Chinese food with lots of spices.
次に頂いたのは大七の大黒柱商品である「純米 生酛」。これは、常温でも冷やでも美味しいだけでなく、燗にするとより旨みとコクが増す一本です。この旨みが、味のしっかりとした料理や珍味と相性が抜群なのです。
Warmed sake is not as popular as chilled sake here in Singapore because
it is considered that warmed sake is too hot to drink in such a tropical
weather country. However it is freezing cold inside the building with the air
conditioners, so this is the best way to warm your frozen body up.
At last, I had “Kimoto Umeshu” which is made with Gensyu(undiluted sake)
of “Jyunmai Kimoto”. They had many experiments with many different sakes and decided
to use this Kimoto sake for Umeshu
because it is sufficiently robust not to be overwhelmed by the plum. The richness
of the sake wraps the acidity of the plums in a delectable smoothness.
The best way to enjoy this Umesh is to be chilled in wine glass with dessert.最後は生酛純米の原酒をベースに造った「生酛梅酒」を。なめらかで優しいくちあたり。梅の爽やかな酸味と自然な甘みが口に広がると同時に、生酛ならではの濃厚で華やかな香りが鼻を抜けていきます。このエレガントかつ芳醇な味わいは日本酒で作った梅酒ならではです。冷やしてワイングラスに注いで、デザートと一緒に楽しむのがお勧めです。
Daishichi often have “Daishichi sake dinner” and serve sakes which is
perfectly paired with course dishes. I would love to do that in near future!
Thank you very much for taking your time, Daishichi brewery!
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