Thursday, October 31, 2013

Oishii Japan-2013-

I attended the event “Oishii Japan” which introduces people in F&B industry to Japanese foods, drinks and kitchen equipment. There were so many kinds of booths from all over Japan at this exhibit!

“Oishii JAPAN”という飲食業関係者向けに行われたイベントに参加してきました。



Sayuri was easy drinking "Nigori" sake which literally means unfiltered sake and it was my taste because it was not so sweet.
"Sawa Sawa "sparkling sake.perfect for beginning of your dinner!

"Komehana no Shizuku"
Sweet sake which tastes like yoghurt!It could be interesting sake dessert.

Wagyu cutting performance 

Cute fish cakes.

I found interesting new products which have a lot of potential in Singapore. The numbers of Japanese restaurants in Singapore have jumped to nearly 900 from 180 over the last five years.  I would love to be one of them by introducing great sakes and offer Japanese experience!




Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Daishichi Brewery-大七酒造-

One of my favourite sake breweries “Daishichi-Brewery” was visiting here in Singapore!
I didn’t used like hot sake before I get to know Daishichi’s warm sake. Their warm sake completely changed my mind and opened the way to the new sake world.




I had a glad occasion to meet Ohta-san who is 10th generation owner of the Brewery, Mr. Blankestjn and Suzuki-san.



The first thing it comes to your mind when you hear Daishichi sake would be “Kimoto brewing ” which is traditional method of making the yeast starter . However all breweries used to make sake with Kimoto in the old days, most of today’s breweries have shifted to “Sokujyo Brewing ” which is much easier and faster way to make yeast starter.
Daishichi considers Kimoto a part of its heritage and believes in this method that makes sake wilder, stronger and more pronounced flavour that can be fascinating.



Besides that, all of their sakes are aged at least for one year to enhance the flavour. These are the reasons why their sake has firm body and Umami which surprisingly gets better when sake is warmed.



Another special feature of Daishichi is “super-flat rice polishing”. Rice is polished into small rounded spherical shape to remove the unwanted flavors. Conventional spherical polishing wastes precious starch by excessively abrading the ends of the grain’s long axis. However Daishichi developed new method which removes unwanted material equally and leaves more of the best of the grain. As the name itself suggests, the rice grains are super flat after polishing!
Daishichi is not afraid to take technical risks like breaking the rice grains in the polishing process and taking triple the amount of time.




To my surprise, they don’t use special machine for this polishing method. The key of this method is the human technic. The head of polishing department Mr.Ogata received an award of “Contemporary master craftsman” for polishing method for the first time in the sake history!



I tried three sakes and first one was “Kimoto Jyunmai-Daiginjyo MINOWAMON”. What strikes me the most about this one was that Ohta san’s word “The more the grade of sake is high, the more main dishes should be suited.” 
まず最初に試飲させて頂いたのは、「生酛純米大吟醸 箕輪門」。太田さんは「グレードが高いお酒ほどメインディッシュに合うような造りをしたい」とおっしゃっていたのがすごく印象に残っています。


In wine world, high-grade wines are paired and be enjoyed with high-class foods. So as you begin to pair wine with food, you start with casual and light wine with appetizer and shift to higher grade wines as you enjoy the course dishes. However in Sake world, in general you better start with higher grade sake like Ginjyo or Daiginjyo and shift to Jyunmai with the main course. But…why? The reason is because most of premium sake is overpowered by full flavour dishes.



However, Daishichi’s Daiginjyo sake changed this fixed idea! It has not only elegant Daiginjyo aroma but also firm body with Umami and deep flavour as Jyunmai-sake, so it can be enjoyed with main dishes even with cream sauce.




After that, I moved on to their main product “Jyunmai Kimoto”. It is enjoyable in wide range of temperatures especially when it’s warmed. It has a lot of Umami flavors and they go well with full flavoured foods even with Chinese food with lots of spices.
次に頂いたのは大七の大黒柱商品である「純米 生酛」。これは、常温でも冷やでも美味しいだけでなく、燗にするとより旨みとコクが増す一本です。この旨みが、味のしっかりとした料理や珍味と相性が抜群なのです。


Warmed sake is not as popular as chilled sake here in Singapore because it is considered that warmed sake is too hot to drink in such a tropical weather country. However it is freezing cold inside the building with the air conditioners, so this is the best way to warm your frozen body up.


At last, I had “Kimoto Umeshu” which is made with Gensyu(undiluted sake) of “Jyunmai Kimoto”. They had many experiments with many different sakes and decided to use this  Kimoto sake for Umeshu because it is sufficiently robust not to be overwhelmed by the plum. The richness of the sake wraps the acidity of the plums in a delectable smoothness.
The best way to enjoy this Umesh is to be chilled in wine glass with dessert.


Daishichi often have “Daishichi sake dinner” and serve sakes which is perfectly paired with course dishes. I would love to do that in near future!


Thank you very much for taking your time, Daishichi brewery!


Thursday, October 10, 2013

Hiyaoroshi -ひやおろし-


As soon as summer is over, that season starts…yes, the season for “Hiyaoroshi”. I feel autumn when I see the signs at breweries and sake stores that says” Hiyaoroshi has just arrived!”




“Hiyaoroshi” literally means “Cold bottling”. Hiyaoroshi sake is stored and matured in storehouse during summer and shipped in autumn around September when air temperature is as below as sake temperature. Many brewers produce the taste of autumn!


It is much milder and softer than spring fresh brewed sake because of maturing. It has matured rich rice flavor and goes well with autumn food like pacific saury, mushroom, bonito and autumn eggplant!


In general, sake is pasteurized twice before shipping to stop fermentation, kill bacteria and keep its flavors. (This pasteurization is called “Hi-ire”.) Hiyaoroshi sake is pasteurized only once and because of that, you can taste the original flavor of sake! However it skips pasteurization, you have to drink as soon as possible once you get it. But again, this is the taste of autumn, so the best drinking time is September to November and there is no problem if you like to enjoy with autumn food!




Since Singapore is always summer, I am sharing beautiful autumn pictures from Japan to make you feel autumn! It is too beautiful to express it in words…!






Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Houka Jyunmai-Ginjyo -豊香 純米吟醸-

“Happy Sake Day!” As I just mentioned, it was the official sake day! So I had to open a bottle of sake to celebrate and hope a brighter future will open for Singapore. I open “ Houka Jyunmai-Ginjyo” which is Genshu(undiluted sake).

“Happy Sake Day!”ということで…今後、よりシンガポールにおける日本酒消費が伸びることを願い私のお気に入りの一つである「豊香」を開けました。前回開けたのは純米原酒。今回は「純米吟醸・原酒」です。

From appearance, you can see crystal straw gold color which is the natural color of sake.  On your nose, I got aromas of minerals from waterfall and juicy melon. After a while, many different elements like flowers and fruits came out. From my point of view, the sour-sweet aroma of passion fruit was remarkable and I felt like I was holding fruits basket!



On your palate, first thing you feel when you ship this sake is the thick sweetness. Right after that, Umami flavour of rice spread out in your mouth and acidity and a faint bitterness sharpened the after taste.  I could taste the Umami and sweetness of every single pieces of rice! Besides that rice flavour, juicy fruits flavour filled up your mouth and combined together very well.



This Jyunmai-Ginjyo sake is also made with sake rice“Yoshinero” which is same as Jyunmai sake that I had before.



I am impressed by their young sensibility to attract young generation! I look forward “Houka” to come in Singapore market since I am big fan of them!



Sunday, September 29, 2013

Sake day!!

October 1st is “Nihonsyu-no-Hi” which literally means “Sake day” in Japan! However do you know why? …There are several answers.
One of the reasons is related to Kanji”“which means Sake. This Chinese character used to be written as”“and it also represents the rooster which is the tenth animal in the calendar.
Another reason is that October was the first month to start brewing sake in the old days.
This is the best day to make an excuse for drinking…so let’s drink sake!
Happy sake day to everyone!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Wine cellar "VINTEC"

One of my dreams has just come true!!

I have always wanted wine cellar at home since I got sommelier certification….and finally I got it last month!!


It stores 30 bottles and has 2 temperature zones, so I can store white and red wines separately. After it arrived I ordered some bottles of wine to store.  I am super happy and ready to store great wines in my own wine cellar from now on!

Kotsuzumi Rojyo-Hanaari -小鼓 路上花有-

We opened Jyunmai-Daiginjyo sake “Kotsuzumi Rojyo-Hanaari” from Nishiyama brewery.

西山酒造の「小鼓 路上花有」を開けてみました。

When you look at the bottle, Its shape will remind you a bottle of champagne or wine! Besides that it is sealed with cork like wine! The bottle was designed by famous Japanese artist and has beautiful blue colour and flowers. It caches lady’s heart straight away!


On your nose, main element is elegant citrus and it also has aromas like European pear and flowers. Color is crystal clear.


From my point of view, the reason why Robert Parker scored the 91points on this sake is that it has beautiful wine-like aroma and elegant flavour. This is almost like wine-like sake.


All may be summed up in one word; “Elegant”. So if you like to enjoy rich rice flavour, you may feel that something is missing…
It is good for aperitif drinking from wine glass.


Sunday, September 22, 2013

Boujimaya tasting -房島屋-

I went to Orihara-Shoten to attend the sake tasting with”Tokoro Brewery”. Mr.Tokoro is 5th generation of Tokoro brewery and he launched a new brand”Boujimaya” 13 years ago. The main reason he launched this brand was that he wanted to make sake which he truly loves and enjoys! Besides that, he wanted to make modern style sake which goes well with not only Japanese food but also western cuisine and gives you an appetite. Through trial and error, he succeeded to make this beautiful style of sake with strong acidity which suppo

Tokoro brewery is a very small brewery and there are only 4 employees! Because of that, at the present moment Singapore is the only country they distribute outside of Japan. I was very surprised about the fact they are making such wonderful sake with really a small number of people.


At this tasting we tried 6 different kinds of Boujimaya sake!

We tried 2 Jyunmai-Ginjyo sakes with different rice to compare of the flavour and character of the rice. The sake brewed with” Gohyaku-mangoku” has a pale straw color and brilliant aroma of apple. Compare to aroma, taste is steady and rich with dry finish.


The other one with “Yamada-nishiki” has clearer colour than the first one and calmed with a faint rice aroma. Once you ship the sake, soft rice-like aroma spreads throughout in your mouth and stronger acidity comes right after that! I think the one with Yamada-nishiki is softer and has rich flavour of the rice.


Next one was the highest range of Boujimaya “Jyunmai-Daiginjyo” with Yamada-nishiki. Aroma was the most brilliant with apple, muscat and melon. It is very balanced with acidity and Umami and has crisp after taste. I will recommend it to have with sashimi and sushi, also appetizers.


We moved to 2 different unfiltered and unpasteurized sakes with Gohyaku-mangoku. The first one has refreshing and fresh aroma of the fruits. On the palate, it has balanced sweetness from rice and acidity with refreshing after taste.


The second one was in a beautiful blue bottle which represents summer and gives you a feeling of coolness! This sake is made to fit hot summer day, so Singapore is the best place to try! (It is only available during summer though…)It has sharp acidity with refreshing finish, so you can enjoy it on the rocks with BBQ.


At the very last, we had “Jyunmai Cho karakuchi”.It has aroma of melon. On your palate, I could taste Umami from the rice and right after that strong acidity came after and which gives you refreshing after taste. As its name suggests, this is super DRY sake.


Overall, Boujimaya has a unique character with strong acidity. Mr.Tokoro advised me that all Boujimaya sake can be chilled and warmed because they have great acidity to stand up with heat.


Thank you so much Mr. Tokoro and Orihara Shoten!
